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UNKNOWN_370 01-23-2013 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 2125972)
Update: The shop I had the car towed to, I told the insurance company was NOT the place I wanted to do the work, it was only towed there because that was the shop that happened to send the wrecker when the police called.

I came to see why it had not been transferred to the chosen shop to be worked on, and saw my car in parts on their shop floor. They told me they were "working on it". That they had started repairs. WTF?! I did not authorize that, in fact, I said to the insurance agent that they were NOT! the shop. Further, I got an estimate from them that I had not been told about, and they are going to REPAIR my rear bumper!? WTF It's a 2012 with 17K miles and a bunch of F'ed up parts, and you're going to REPAIR and BUFF OUT and FIBERGLASS (or whatever) the bumper!?


I also have run into some medical problems because of this. It's been stressing me the F out, and for the first time in 27 years, never before happened, I had a legit panic attack and was taken to the ER (I work in a hospital, so basically I was taken to another floor where our ER is). My EKG showed ST wave depression, QT interval of mid 500ms, and my BP was 190/90's and "resting" HR was 130's. I had been stressing over this wreck, the car, and I guess there is a subconscious component of having been in the wreck, according to my MD, and had a bit of a stressful night at work, and it all piled up and got me taken to the ER. I've had bad nights before, easily worse, and it didn't result in this. It wasn't "getting worked up". It was a PHYSICAL type thing. I can't explain it, and I didn't even know it existed in the way it does. I legitimately thought I was having an MI, and I work critical care for a living. I'm not trying to milk this or anything. I have prescriptions for Valium and Xanax and have not filled them yet, even. I'm legitimately worried this might happen again.

On the bright side, my family MD did another EKG today (well, yesterday, technically) and it was completely normal, my QT interval was in the mid 300's, and no ST depression was shown. He is saying it was a stress reaction and that the wreck definitely contributed (Wreck was Jan 15, I had this episode around 7am Jan 18).

Anyway, all of this going on, I just turned it over to my lawyer and he is going to figure out WTF!? someone was thinking authorizing MY PROPERTY to be torn apart WITHOUT my knowledge or consent. Further, make sure I am properly reimbursed for all of this other mess.

Oh, Jan 16 was my birthday. F my life for the time being :(

you're taking this waaaay to hard bruh. I been where you been with my 09. But that's why you have insurance. Insurance did something against your will? Well this may work out in your favor if you go see a lawyer. You been denied your legal rights by your insurance company. Considering you have all these doubts in your mind about the z. their violation may be your cash cow.

and if you're that depressed? Please leave your guns with a friend till you feel better? please... :ugh2:

Cars are just material possessions. Just be glad you weren't hurt or worse in that accident.

Niche79 01-24-2013 12:05 AM

WOW rough time bud, my wife is a doc and she sees the stress people like you alot. I also had a few panic attacks and had to go to the ER, probs breathing though so it was legit! I say get the car fixed wherever, and immediately sell it for a 13 or find another 12. I just hope your not upside down on your loan. That way, its all good and you walk away with no more stress! Trust me, that **** will make your hairs go grey very early in life! I know, and im just 33.

ImportConvert 01-24-2013 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 2127420)
you're taking this waaaay to hard bruh. I been where you been with my 09. But that's why you have insurance. Insurance did something against your will? Well this may work out in your favor if you go see a lawyer. You been denied your legal rights by your insurance company. Considering you have all these doubts in your mind about the z. their violation may be your cash cow.

and if you're that depressed? Please leave your guns with a friend till you feel better? please... :ugh2:

Cars are just material possessions. Just be glad you weren't hurt or worse in that accident.

Like I said, I'm not depressed or anything of the sort. You're going to miss the boat until you understand the physiological factors behind it. A lot was going on the night I had the panic attack, being in an auto accident just a couple of days before was the straw that broke the camel's back and caused the physical reaction.

ImportConvert 01-24-2013 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Niche79 (Post 2127457)
WOW rough time bud, my wife is a doc and she sees the stress people like you alot. I also had a few panic attacks and had to go to the ER, probs breathing though so it was legit! I say get the car fixed wherever, and immediately sell it for a 13 or find another 12. I just hope your not upside down on your loan. That way, its all good and you walk away with no more stress! Trust me, that **** will make your hairs go grey very early in life! I know, and im just 33.

I'm upside down, but I'm not upset or stressed over it. Money is just money and if I want out I'll put in a bit of OT and get out. My lawyer will fix the rest, and my EKG is back to normal which is a HUGE! stress-reliever to me. Tell your wife about depressed ST and Q-T interval in the mid 500ms range in a 27 year-old and she will quirk an eyebrow as well.

It's going to be okay, but maybe I should have just kept the panic attack to myself as a lot of people on here think it's an emotional thing. Before it happened to me and I was 100% calm during it until I saw my HR and BP, I would have agreed, as well, so I understand the misinformation/understanding.

Mike 01-24-2013 07:57 AM

glad to hear it hasn't reoccured. Hopefully it was a one time thing.

ImportConvert 01-24-2013 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 2127627)
glad to hear it hasn't reoccured. Hopefully it was a one time thing.

I hope so, too. It is literally the worst feeling I have ever had.

CDepp 01-24-2013 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 2127632)
I hope so, too. It is literally the worst feeling I have ever had.

Hopefully it's not a problem spawning from submitting long posts in forums. :roflpuke2:


shadoquad 01-24-2013 09:42 AM

Sorry to see this, convert.

Bucketlist2012 01-24-2013 10:45 AM

You have to talk yourself down when you start to get upset...

Being the survivor of 2 strokes and seizures, I kinow what stress will do...

All my medical problems are stress related...5 relatives dying in just 2 years plus more..

So take it from me...Stress will kill you....

ImportConvert 01-24-2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bucketlist2012 (Post 2127941)
You have to talk yourself down when you start to get upset...

Being the survivor of 2 strokes and seizures, I kinow what stress will do...

All my medical problems are stress related...5 relatives dying in just 2 years plus more..

So take it from me...Stress will kill you....

I didn't know what was happening. I felt calm. I was sitting at a desk with my head down just "resting" after drinking orange juice because I thought I felt bad due to low blood-sugar, maybe, was my guess. I then freaked out over the 190-200 systolic BP and the numbness in my extremities and the HR in the 130's. At that point, talking myself down was not on the table. I did not know what was happening and suspected MI, PE, something nasty.

Now that I know, I think I will manage, or I will throw my C02 out of bounds enough that I will lose consciousness and the problem will handle itself and normalize, although that's VERY! extreme and I doubt it will go that far, it's the ultimate "end" to one of these episodes, as I see it medically.

kenchan 01-24-2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by ImportConvert (Post 2127632)
I hope so, too. It is literally the worst feeling I have ever had.

can you pull a fuse or cut brown wire to resolve for good? ;)

hang in there.

Bucketlist2012 01-24-2013 10:56 AM

Ya Buddy....The Numbness, and Vision problems, and the "Aura" are all signs of bad news..

Just try to not get upset....I am crazy type A and it didn't bother me until I had tragedy strike several times and I must have internalized it...

So I know how it is...

OnCallZ 01-24-2013 11:26 AM

Wow that is a major bummer, Just like everyone else said - take care of yourself first (which you did) then worry about the material things,

As far as the shop towing your car and begining unauthorized repairs?! wow I would be pissed, I am going to take a shot in the dark here - the shop most likely has a contract with your insurance company and does repairs on the cheap/bulk method, which I would be fuming about.... some cheap shop that is repairing your damaged parts... makes you wonder where else will they cut corners? I wouldn't be surprised if they throw in some cheap aftermarket replacements in the repair to keep the bill down.

Big props for getting a lawyer, I wish you best of luck and I completely understand where you are coming from; my s2000 with low mileage was clipped and I had an entire left side replaced, I sold the car 2 days after it got out of the shop, even though it looked and drove perfect it just wasn't the same for me, I just had this gloomy feeling knowing I am driving a flawed car. It is a brand new car and you shouldn't have to drive with a 'cloud' over your subconscious.

Keep us updated and hang in there bud.

SurfDog 01-24-2013 12:09 PM

I'm 45 and have had a pretty stressful career at times (20 years in the USMC as a helo pilot, airline captain now):hello:

Here is my advice. Separate the event from your feelings about your car. Nothing is perfect. The best car made will have rattles and quirks and swirls and flaws and no amount of buffing, tuning or buying new will ever fix that fact.

I have at times transferred my desire for perfection onto things and it only brought anxiety. I would stress about car covers and fuel quality and rock chips etc etc etc etc.... It will make you nuts. maybe contribute to anxiety attack I dunno. It gave me marital stress. The point is, it is just a pile of parts all strapped together to perform a function. The Z is meant to shake rattle and roll a bit. It is a sports car. It is all about power, noise, passion, and fun.

My clutch rattles at stop lights (its supposed to) my exhaust Hisses (many do). my steering pulls in random directions at random stops (wide tires) the road noise on my (soon to be replaced) Hankooks forces my to wear earplugs on certain drives with "textured" roads. Steering lock fix, hatch rattle fix, hatch spring replacement, I could go on and on.

The point is, a Z is a quirky, "hairy chested" rumbling beast. That is part of its charm. You can tune and align and DynaMat the crap out of it and it will still at its core be a rumbling beast. Its not a sissy BMW M3 or 135 or a $80k Porsche to be driven by some turtleneck wearing yuppie stock trader. Its a car for people who drive with passion.:driving:

I say get her fixed! Love her (flaws and all) upgrade her so she is unique and special and all yours and remember that it is her dented skin and stiff frame that kept that SUV from crushing you like a bug.

A car is a pile of parts that can all be repaired and replaced, and none of which are ever "perfect" (though a bent frame is probably a death sentence to a Z)

Save your ideas of perfection for your love of people, your relationship with whatever creator you are into and for things with mathematical certainty. Everything else is flawed, and mortal, and temporary. Your car will *eventually* just be another pile of dust somewhere. Ashes to ashes and all that.

Perfection is unattainable.:eek:

Good luck my friend. I hope you feel better, and I hope the lawyers and insurance and rental car crap does not give fuel to your anger. Maybe the universe is speaking to you through this experience. It sounds like this is sort of a straw that broke the camels back type of thing.

Hang tough and I feel certain you will be laughing about all this in no time.:tup:

Streetlife 01-24-2013 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by OnCallZ (Post 2128103)
Wow that is a major bummer, Just like everyone else said - take care of yourself first (which you did) then worry about the material things,

As far as the shop towing your car and begining unauthorized repairs?! wow I would be pissed, I am going to take a shot in the dark here - the shop most likely has a contract with your insurance company and does repairs on the cheap/bulk method, which I would be fuming about.... some cheap shop that is repairing your damaged parts... makes you wonder where else will they cut corners? I wouldn't be surprised if they throw in some cheap aftermarket replacements in the repair to keep the bill down.

Big props for getting a lawyer, I wish you best of luck and I completely understand where you are coming from; my s2000 with low mileage was clipped and I had an entire left side replaced, I sold the car 2 days after it got out of the shop, even though it looked and drove perfect it just wasn't the same for me, I just had this gloomy feeling knowing I am driving a flawed car. It is a brand new car and you shouldn't have to drive with a 'cloud' over your subconscious.

Keep us updated and hang in there bud.


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