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theDreamer 05-30-2009 03:47 PM

Had a few people at the wedding rehearsal I was at today ask how I liked the 350z...I said not sure, since I do not own one. It got the conversation started about the changes and differences and such. Though I feel bad for one guy, I let his girlfriend sit in the driver seat and she gets out and looks at him and says, "When my birthday comes around I want this."

FricFrac 06-22-2009 01:46 AM

Every time I park downtown and I'm standing talking to someone beside the car people walk around the car taking pictures babling madly pointing and staring. Its so crazy. There are so many other cars that are twice or three times the price of my car parked on the same street and people don't even see them.

Tonight I parked behind a 350Z and got out to talk to the guy. These tourists come by pointing at my car walk 100 feet past it then come back the other way pointing then they rush in to take pictures. Here the 350Z is parked right in front of me and they don't even notice it. They are so close to each other in design and function and yet people don't even see the older brother.... its very strange.

Mergnthwirker 06-22-2009 07:05 AM

Here on the Gold Coast of Connecticut, folks are fairly blase about cars. Most people don't seem to notice much -- might be different if I'd gotten a yellow one!

Had one guy yesterday who was in a cherry-looking 350Z who wanted to know how I liked it. He knew all about it, and was impressed by the upgraded quality of the interior. He was really into Z's, on his 3rd or 4th, and was hoping I could compare, but this is my first one. Got a big "thumbs up" from him!

semtex 06-23-2009 10:53 AM

How to offend lesbians with your Z
So I returned to my car yesterday at the grocery store, and this couple pulled into the adjacent spot, staring drop-jawed at my car. I'm pretty sure they were lesbians because (a) they were both women, and (b) their car was plastered with a whole bunch of gay-pride and women's rights type stickers. Now, I'm not normally one to deliberately offend someone admiring the Z, nor do I have anything against gays and lesbians, but I just couldn't resist, given their apparent need to broadcast their politics in everyone's faces. When they asked me what the name of my car's color is, I told them, with a completely straight face, that it's called 'Burka Blue'. You should have seen the horrified looks on their faces. It totally made my day.


kdo2milger 06-23-2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Junior370z (Post 80914)
Here in San Diego there's a lot of ricers. They like to drive next to me and check out my car. Most of the time I think they're scared to go up againts it LOL!

- gas station attendant say "Beautiful car"!
- random people always checking out the Z
- mustang drivers for some reason stare a lot.

Haven't really seen another 370 except for nizz's car (the silver one all stripped)

that third bullet made me lmao...only because its true...I am guilty! I am giving my 04 mach 1 to my brother and picking up my new z on monday:tup:

kdo2milger 06-23-2009 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Attaboy (Post 80964)
got all the usual look on the road and at lights.. the best one so far was this kid and his mom.. the kid must have been 7 or 8 years old. i was parking at the store as they were leaving and the kid saw the car right away and started telling his mom that this was a 370 and NOT a 350 and rattled off the specs of the car and how it's "soooo cooooool!!". she ended up having to yank him by the arm and get him in their car.

guessing he will be a future Z owner :tup:

thats hilarious!
my wife still cant tell the difference:icon18:

jmlenz 06-23-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by ZYUL8R (Post 81180)
I had the usual OMGs, and jaw drops....but the funniest one...someone asked "Oh man is that the new ferrari california?!" lol...i told him it was a nissan he said "who cares that car is awesome"


Ferrari California...WTF?

One_Quick_Z 06-23-2009 12:00 PM

I met my GF for lunch and we went to Quiznos and When I was saying goodbye to here after lunch... I hear..... Hoooo maaannn sweet and she says "that guys is checking out your car" so I looked over and there was a middle aged guy drooling over the car so I start walking over and he give me a weird look and says "is this your car?" I replied "Yup" Then he follows with "Ill trade you straight up for my cobalt" as his wife is getting out of the car.... I laughed and said "no I like it to much" and smiled


kdo2milger 06-23-2009 12:05 PM

I havent even taken possesion of mine yet, and already had the nissan employee whom I am doing all of my paperwork thru complement me saying "you sure got one nice looking car".

I cant wait just to see my own car in person...

SiXK 06-23-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Attaboy (Post 80964)
got all the usual look on the road and at lights.. the best one so far was this kid and his mom.. the kid must have been 7 or 8 years old. i was parking at the store as they were leaving and the kid saw the car right away and started telling his mom that this was a 370 and NOT a 350 and rattled off the specs of the car and how it's "soooo cooooool!!". she ended up having to yank him by the arm and get him in their car.

guessing he will be a future Z owner :tup:

HAHAHA.... that kid was me 30 years ago!

Zcott 06-23-2009 12:20 PM

Not a lot of action for me yet, but I haven't taken it out a lot.

At my first stop at the gas station a group of guys was filling up their G35 beside me and started asking "How fast is it?" type questions.
After a few more ooh's and aahs one of the guys piped up "Man, you gotta trade the G35 in for one of those bad boys!".

Also got into a mutual "nods of appreciaton" contest with a very nice G37 at a stop light.

jonjiang 06-23-2009 06:19 PM

went through a fast-food drive thru and the attendant said "What kinda car is that? She's a beaut!"

Also last week, came up on an FD Rx-7 on the highway, pulled up and we looked at each other. I wasn't sure which of us was more jealous...

370NUTZ 06-23-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by ent-z (Post 79453)
first night i got it, i went to target -- parked waaaaayyy out far next to a lightpole. Probably no cars for 30 spots. Come out of target 5 mins later and there is a ford expedition parked right next to it. I was like what the hell??? Then i realized he wasn't parked there, but actually still inside the truck just checking it i walked towards it, he pulled out and parked up with the rest of the cars.

i cant wait for that feeling, nad you have my color combo, interior looks sick man

370NUTZ 06-23-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by kdo2milger (Post 97737)
that third bullet made me lmao...only because its true...I am guilty! I am giving my 04 mach 1 to my brother and picking up my new z on monday:tup:

Mustangs are like buttholes, every one has em and they all stink

ZKindaGuy 06-23-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alexus (Post 79405)
I'm sure some of you have experienced the occasional look, stare, or the inevitable ricer fly-by since you've bought your 370z! Whatever your experience may be – whether it is embarrassing, shocking or awe-inspiring, post the stories here. I've done this before on other boards with great success!

Let er' rip!

That was part of the reason I dumped my Shelby Mustang GT and got the
370Z. I was sick and tired of hearing from everyone how beautiful the Shelby looked.

The 370Z gets occassional looks but they are few and far between in number. I feel like the Z is truly my car and that I am not sharing it with tons of other people.....and I like that!

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