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UNKNOWN_370 05-23-2011 03:06 AM

Z totalled in 7 weeks.
Make a long story short. My a$$hole neighbor asks me to give him a lift to the dealership because he had claimed to purchase a new truck. I had just made it back from taking my wife to the market to pick up a few food items. So being a good neighbor I tell him ok. My wife exits the car. As she exits, he tells my wife... yeah I get to ride in the Z. Ok. So he gets in, I drive out of the community. Hit the stop sign. Look both ways before crossing the intersection...
Just so you can get a descent pic. Of the situation. On that corner on my right there's a firehouse. The block is on top of a hill, there's 4 ways of traffic but only 2 stop signs. The right side of the hill leaving the community has about 200ft of road before it makes a sharp dip and you can't see traffic. The left side is more forgiving. You have around 600ft before the dip. There is a 35mph speed limit on this road due to these hills. Otherwise normal speed limits in the area are 40 and 45mph.
Back at the stop sign I look both ways. I'm clear. I begin to take off kinda slow when a ford F150 came barreling from my right side at speeds over 60mph in a 35mph zone. He clipped the front. The car went spinning out of control but I was able to control it from flipping over, My Z is totalled, me and my neighbor walked out ok. I have a corneal abrasion from the airbag and my arms are a little bruised. His arms got a little bruised. Well it turns out he didn't have a truck to pick up. He now claims he was just going to see if he can qualify for a certain payment amount. So this means. He could've taken his own car since he didn't even know if he would qualify...
And now I'm having an even harder time believing that cuz. Once we were done with the accident. He went to work. That was at 9pm. So u ask me to take you to a dealership at 7:30pm that's 20 min away from the house to negotiate on a loan payment on any truck and you expect to get this done between 8 and 9pm. His credit sux and he's trying to get a payment worked out in 30 minutes.
All along he told me he needed to pick up a truck he bought. That was a lie. Now he's looking for compensation for the accident through my insurance even though he's walking around here perfectly happy and healthy. N I'm out of my Z. A car is a car but this is the worst way to lose one. If he didn't ask me for that favor, I wwould be enjoying my car instead of spending my Saturday in the ER due to my eye worsening.

I have video proof the guy was speeding. But that intersection my car was totalled at is a hot spot. People have gotten done by speeders there plenty of times since I moved here.

Kingbaby 05-23-2011 03:20 AM


get another one or a nismo!

Apoc370z 05-23-2011 03:38 AM

this is exactly why i dont build up any relationship with my neighbors at least not to a point where they are comfortable enough to ask me for a ride.

sorry for the lost, hope the insurance will cover it

ducky 05-23-2011 03:51 AM

Dude that suck..sorry to hear..yup never give neighbors any ride ESP in our Z..hope u get compensated and get a new Z..think of it as an upgrade!!

mikeSS 05-23-2011 03:58 AM

dam man that really sucks, keep us updated!. did the Z feel pretty safe ?

Lemers 05-23-2011 05:47 AM

Did the f150 get a ticket for speeding? If not insurance will most likely be claimed against your policy for all parties involved. As it sits rightnow you had a stop sign and didn't yield to on coming traffic. If no ticket was issued your company most likely will not fight it. If you want to fight it than they wont even help you out.

'10Anamoly 05-23-2011 06:16 AM

No offense but even if your neighbor is a d-bag, the real problem is the truck driver. Don't blame the neighbor for what the truck did. yes it could have turned out differently but he/she didnt know that would happen ya know?

Red__Zed 05-23-2011 06:30 AM

Why do you keep blaming the neighbor? He had nothing to do with your issue with the speeding truck/failure to yield.

hansoac 05-23-2011 06:36 AM

That sucks man but keep in mind the positives.
1. You came out OK.
2. You can get a brand new Z..or wait a bit and get a mid-cycle refresh :tup:

Red__Zed 05-23-2011 06:37 AM

Are you getting another z?

EazyD 05-23-2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by '10Anamoly (Post 1127218)
No offense but even if your neighbor is a d-bag, the real problem is the truck driver. Don't blame the neighbor for what the truck did. yes it could have turned out differently but he/she didnt know that would happen ya know?


Originally Posted by 'Red__Zed
Why do you keep blaming the neighbor? He had nothing to do with your issue with the speeding truck/failure to yield.


whoady4shoady 05-23-2011 08:28 AM

The only problem i have with the neighbor is that he lied, but besides that the truck driver is the only person really at fault here.

m4a1mustang 05-23-2011 08:34 AM

Sorry to hear, man. Glad you are OK.

DIGItonium 05-23-2011 08:47 AM

Sorry to hear that man... sounds like he used you to bring a shiny new Z over to woo the salesmen. Glad you're doing alright... no response from the neighbor?

USMCASA 05-23-2011 09:23 AM

no good deed goes unpunished

shadoquad 05-23-2011 09:28 AM

neighbor's not to blame. He was trying to work a deal to buy a truck. But even if it was a fib, who cares? He asked for a lift, you gave one.

The cretin who clipped you should be tried in court. Did that guy hit and run, or did he stick around?

Mt Tam I am 05-23-2011 09:31 AM

I hate your story. I hope for all the best. Good luck.

onzedge 05-23-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by USMCASA (Post 1127396)
no good deed goes unpunished

True words hers.

steveg78 05-23-2011 10:37 AM

Unknown, sorry to hear about your misfortune. Guy sounds like a total dickbag. Im surprised it seems like the majority here are all coming from the same consensus in that you agreed to give him a lift and the other guy was speeding. But I feel for ya man. I think of it the same way you do. The guy wasted your time, lied to you, and now your left with injuries and no Z. If you had known he was trying to negotiate the car deal, you probably would have said no to giving him a ride and so you were mislead. Kinda makes you wonder if the fate would have been different. That kinda crap will eat away at your mind. Good luck.

VCuomo 05-23-2011 10:50 AM

So should we start the betting as to whether or not the neighbor ends up suing the OP?

Whole thing sucks - the neighbor didn't cause the accident, but he's an a-hole for lying to you to get a ride in the Z (if he hadn't done that, the accident wouldn't have happened in the first place). Looks like you're going to be the one "at fault" - that really sucks too.

Sorry you're in this situation.

tonybui 05-23-2011 10:57 AM

Well it sucks that you've lost your Z but why blame the neighbor? it was an accident that noone knew was gonna happen. Don't be immature, the Z is not a Lamborghini

On the other hand, Did they neighbor at least feel bad OR act like he felt bad? if not, he is a douche LOL

DaveyG 05-23-2011 12:30 PM

Who cares?! The guy lied to get a ride for nothing. I guess some people think its cool to lie and get your car totaled when if the neighbor would have just took his own car, nothing would have happend.


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 1127407)
neighbor's not to blame. He was trying to work a deal to buy a truck. But even if it was a fib, who cares? He asked for a lift, you gave one.

The cretin who clipped you should be tried in court. Did that guy hit and run, or did he stick around?

chops 05-23-2011 01:03 PM

i honestly dont think the neighbor is to blame. i mean yes because you gave him a ride your car ended up in an accident..but he couldnt have forseen the truck smashing into you. i had a similar situation happen to me. my friend called me out of the blue and asked if i could go check out a new house with him. long story short on the way to meet up with him i hit a puddle (it was raining that day) as i was braking and ended up rear ending a civic in my old car. would i have not gotten into an accident had i not agreed to meet up my friend? yes. but is it his fault? no.

you cant blame someone for an accident like that. i mean..unless he could see into the future. you did agree to give him a ride. you could've easily said sorry you had some errands to run and that you were just dropping off your wife!

anyway...sorry for the loss. hope your insurance co gets you a new Z soon!!

RDGR12 05-23-2011 01:35 PM

I think it's more of a principle issue. He's blaming the neighbor, although he agreed to it, but the fact he lied to him, and then conclude the whole thing with a flying pick-up truck totalling his Z; neighbor did contribute to the 'this blows' part. Had he been truthful, I think it would suck less. The fact he lied is the issue.

If you were in the same shoes, I highly doubt you would still be letting him ride with you the next day.

Cmike2780 05-23-2011 02:13 PM

Not the neighbors fault at all. Hindsight is 20/20. It could have been a lot worst, like I dunno....death. Be glad your still around to be able to buy another Z. If he had died in the accident, would you still blame him? The way the public sees it, it is still technically your "fault" since the guy in the truck had the right of way, even if he was speeding. They are going to say you failed to yield. It's not about right or wrong or morality with stuff like this, its about who's at fault. Maybe you can fight it out based on the dangers posed by this particular intersection, but thats a long shot.

In any case, this is why you have insurance.

Astrosfan 05-23-2011 02:14 PM

not your neighbors fault but i would give him hell for it everyday. im sure he wasnt like, i hope this dude totals his Z

kenchan 05-23-2011 02:22 PM

sucks, sorry for the loss. :( i hate liars and losers too. :mad:

c41006 05-23-2011 02:24 PM

Man that is unfortunate but things happen just be glad your ok

b1adesofcha0s 05-23-2011 02:48 PM

Sorry to hear man. I do agree with everyone else that it was not the neighbor's fault at all. I had a somewhat similar accident last year where it was determined to be my fault because I was turning left so the other driver automatically has the right of way. Didn't matter that he got on the highway on ramp and jumped out at the last second to continue going straight down the road. Also didst matter that my car was completely stopped in the lane he wasn't driving in on a 2 lane road and that he swerved his car into mine at the last second.

Sh1t happens and sometimes you can't do anything about it. You're going to be pissed about it for a little while, but later on you'll be glad that you were ok and you can just move on. Who knows, this might end up being good for you in a way. If I didn't have that accident last year, I would never have had the chance to get a Z. I had a 2010 Maxima at the time (for only 4 months) and it got totaled and I was on the way to a job interview which I missed (and they didn't reschedule). Now I'm just glad I have a better car to enjoy. I hope everything works out for you :tup:

UNKNOWN_370 05-23-2011 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by mikeSS (Post 1127197)
dam man that really sucks, keep us updated!. did the Z feel pretty safe ?

Yeah dude... the cars a mini tank. I didn't panic when I got hit. So I made sure the impact didn't result in unnecssary acrobatics. But the car itself is really safe. I don't know why its not rated by the NHTSA?

UNKNOWN_370 05-23-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by '10Anamoly (Post 1127218)
No offense but even if your neighbor is a d-bag, the real problem is the truck driver. Don't blame the neighbor for what the truck did. yes it could have turned out differently but he/she didnt know that would happen ya know?

Not blaming the neighbor for the accident itself. Its just he made it seem like he really needed a ride when he didn't. He just made an excuse to get in my car. That's what I'm mad at. And in the intrum. Bang. But whatever. All I know is I'm never doing anyone a favor. There are parts to this neighbor story I can't discuss either right now. I will get into details after this is all over with.

UNKNOWN_370 05-23-2011 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lemers (Post 1127212)
Did the f150 get a ticket for speeding? If not insurance will most likely be claimed against your policy for all parties involved. As it sits rightnow you had a stop sign and didn't yield to on coming traffic. If no ticket was issued your company most likely will not fight it. If you want to fight it than they wont even help you out.

I didn't get cited for running a stop. And he didn't get cited for speeding as far as I know. I have video proof I stopped. My car was rammed and thrown 150ft from his impact to me... if he did the speed limit which was 35mph. There would have been know way I would have ended so far from POI. I never made it past 15mph and immediately braked. He didn't brake or anything. He let the impact slow him down.

NecioVato 05-23-2011 03:40 PM

Sorry to hear about your situation; the main thing is you came out alright, it could have been worse. Sux it happened in a situation where you were running an errand for someone else and not something that would be YOUR normal day 2 day driving.

Question, wouldn't the passenger be suing the truck's insurance company and not yours since you clearly shouldn't be at fault on this one?

Just use this op to look at another Z or go after an alternative vehicle; main thing is that you and the passenger (d-bag that he is) came out alright.

Evil Sports 05-23-2011 05:39 PM

You gonna post pics:pics:

PapoZalsa 05-23-2011 06:57 PM

Sorry to hear that Boricua! Glad u OK.

Lemers 05-23-2011 07:07 PM

I didn't say you ran a stop sign. But when it comes to insurance companies they are gonna work out the costs. Without a citation to the truck for speeding it's not looking good for your case. They likely make it all your fault and raise your insurance.

Forrest 05-23-2011 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by '10Anamoly (Post 1127218)
No offense but even if your neighbor is a d-bag, the real problem is the truck driver. Don't blame the neighbor for what the truck did. yes it could have turned out differently but he/she didnt know that would happen ya know?


christian370z 05-23-2011 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lemers (Post 1128458)
I didn't say you ran a stop sign. But when it comes to insurance companies they are gonna work out the costs. Without a citation to the truck for speeding it's not looking good for your case. They likely make it all your fault and raise your insurance.

The OP did say he had video evidence, the investigator should be able to determine an approximate speed of the the truck both through the distance the Z was thrown, the severity of the damage inflicted, and potentially the video by doing a frame by frame analysis.

370zproject 05-23-2011 09:44 PM

in for pics

Red__Zed 05-23-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 1128724)
The OP did say he had video evidence, the investigator should be able to determine an approximate speed of the the truck both through the distance the Z was thrown, the severity of the damage inflicted, and potentially the video by doing a frame by frame analysis.

they don't care enough to bother. trust me, I've been there.

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