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Matt 07-06-2010 01:14 PM

As I've gotten a better and better jobs, bought a home, and purchased a nice sports car, I've noticed I've stopped being friends with people that are unemployed, live at home with parents, and drive 1989 CRXs. It's the way of life.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 608637)
:bowrofl: That will settle things!

Look, it doesn't matter how you obtained your Z, as long as you enjoy it.

I worked my butt off for a long time, bought a house and a daily driver first, and then saved up a ton to be able to afford mine.

But I can't begrudge someone who attained his or her Z earlier in life, nor can I fault the person who was handed their Z. Everybody is different. I just focus on enjoying my short time left on this orb. :)

Finally someone says the truth, I love my z. If I had payed for it myself I would love it the same amount or possibly even more.

I just find it pretty sad when people on here attack people who were given nice gifts, like if it was them in that situation they would have said no thanks and drove a beater. Its just not likely, but I guess its easy to throw stones when it didn't happen to you.

I have seen kids trash 15,000 dollar cars that were given to them and kids who treat porsches like heaven. All that matters is your love and respect for the machine not how you got it.

Hugoneus 07-06-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608589)

If someones parents make 600k a year why is it wrong for their child to receive a 40k sports car?

Its ignorant people like you that piss me off.

My parents bought me my 370z fully loaded. My dad is a VP at Exxon and travels to dozens of countries 90 percent of the time, he was hardly ever home when I was a teenager and I since my family lives in a different country now I see him maybe once a year if i'm lucky and i'm 19.

So you see everyone makes sacrifices a lot of my friends got to see their families every day growing up but didn't get a nice car in return and a lot had both.

If your parents made a ridiculous sum of money would it be wrong to share it with their immediate family?? My parents pay for everything and support me through school and I love them for it. They want me to come out with 0 debt and be able to live the best life I can possibly live. So before you go make assumptions on "daddy bought me this" remember who really cares

My original responses and comments still stand. Someone who says things like he should find richer friends, speaks loud about their core personal values.

The laws of physics would have to change for me to care any less about how much you see your dad or your daddy issues. Why don't you tell your dad to make 1/4 of what he makes so he can spend more time with you?

What I care about is "deserving" a certain lifestyles. At 19, very very VERY few people in the world deserve a 40k car as a gift.

Get over yourself. You are still a nobody, at least not without your dad. I am done with this useless thread.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hugoneus (Post 608672)
My original responses and comments still stand. Someone who says things like he should find richer friends, speaks loud about their core personal values.

Why don't you tell your dad to make 1/4 of what he makes so he can spend more time with you?

What I care about is "deserving" a certain lifestyles. If you work hard, study hard, have good moral, ethical values and are on your way to becoming a contributing member of the society, that is one thing. If you are just spoiled by your dad with no deserving quality, then you have some problems.

I don't know which category you belong to, either way, I am done with this useless thread.

I fully agree with your assessment. Its futile now because I'm in University. I never asked you to give a half *** about how much I see my parents, if you read the post correctly it was meant to emphasize that money isn't everything and just because someone looks as if they have everything doesn't mean ****.

I don't deserve anything, I know this. I have seen poverty in Asia (where they live) worse then anything in this world. Enough to make anyone break down, its pretty awful. That's why I respect everything I get, when people say that anyone has a opportunity to be something great, they haven't been to these places, where people makes less then a dollar a day.

I have a perfect GPA in University which is more then I can say of a lot of my peers. I work my *** off and study hard so one day I can capitalize on my parents efforts and trust in me to pay my way through school.

There is always going to be people who think you get to much, people who think parents shouldn't pay tuiton, rent, insurance, car bills. Everything pretty much.

Im nothing without my dad? PLEASE. How many people in this world can say they are their own person and their parents did not influence them in any way shape or form (money or other) Get over yourself, in this thread I have not gone around saying OMG WATS UPSS DYDDE DRIVING MY 370Z PARRRRRTYY lIKE a ROCKSTAR Wtht MY DDS MOLLLAAA

Because I'm not that type of person. I'm a respectful adult and the amount of respect you get in these threads from people who are supposedly "mature" and "buy their own things" is ridiculous.

fullmonty 07-06-2010 01:42 PM

Ok to some of you who think you bought a Lambo, you didn't. You bought a Nissan. Is it a nice looking car? Of course and arguably its nicer looking than a Porsche, but still keep your ego in check. If you got friends who arn't talking to you because of a car, they were never your friends. But hell when you hang out with kids, you need to expect them to be kids. I ain't a helluva lot older than the OP so I know what he kinda means, but I don't go out of my way to hang out with 19 year olds anymore.

And Nolan, I don't care how much money your father makes. My father made good money, but when I was 17 he wouldn't even drop $3K on a car. Not because he couldn't afford it, not because he didn't love me, but because he wanted to instill a certain thing called 'work ethic' and for me to know whats its like to earn something nice with some work. And I bought a pretty nice car.

Now can I sit here and honestly say if he bought me a $40k sports car would I be any different? No, I can't. Am I saying you lack work ethic or whatever? No. But as a friendly word of advice, don't come into this forum saying how much your father makes or how he bought you a shiney new Z. Because now I couldn't give a crap, others on the other hand might. Sorry for the long post guys

kenchan 07-06-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608677)
I have seen poverty in Asia (where they live) worse then anything in this world. Enough to make anyone break down, its pretty awful. .

that's because you're weak. my parent's place use to have a pit toilet inside the house. i was perfectly happy. ok, this was many decades ago. :icon17:

wishihadnav 07-06-2010 01:46 PM

trust fund baby.

wishihadnav 07-06-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 608684)
that's because you're weak. my parent's place use to have a pit toilet inside the house. i was perfectly happy. ok, this was many decades ago. :icon17:

hey that how they roll in Asia:tup:

nolan1016 07-06-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by fullmonty (Post 608680)
Ok to some of you who think you bought a Lambo, you didn't. You bought a Nissan. Is it a nice looking car? Of course and arguably its nicer looking than a Porsche, but still keep your ego in check. If you got friends who arn't talking to you because of a car, they were never your friends. But hell when you hang out with kids, you need to expect them to be kids. I ain't a helluva lot older than the OP so I know what he kinda means, but I don't go out of my way to hang out with 19 year olds anymore.

And Nolan, I don't care how much money your father makes. My father made good money, but when I was 17 he wouldn't even drop $3K on a car. Not because he couldn't afford it, not because he didn't love me, but because he wanted to instill a certain thing called 'work ethic' and for me to know whats its like to earn something nice with some work. And I bought a pretty nice car.

Now can I sit here and honestly say if he bought me a $40k sports car would I be any different? No, I can't. Am I saying you lack work ethic or whatever? No. But as a friendly word of advice, don't come into this forum saying how much your father makes or how he bought you a shiney new Z. Because now I couldn't give a crap, others on the other hand might. Sorry for the long post guys

Ok just for a final clarification I was in no way bragging about how much my father makes, and I actually have no idea what the exact figure is.

The whole point of that post was to say, who is someone to try and say how someone else should spend their money? I never really got the whole idea of if someone makes good money and wants to buy their kid a nice gift that its wrong. Then what is to much? 20,000 is a ton of money. Is that to much? What about 7,000? Its all personal preference and relative to the situation.

shadoquad 07-06-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by fullmonty (Post 608680)
I don't go out of my way to hang out with 19 year olds anymore.

I know you don't Monty.

hehe just kiddin' br0.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 608684)
that's because you're weak. my parent's place use to have a pit toilet inside the house. i was perfectly happy. ok, this was many decades ago. :icon17:

Maybe that's true, I'm not ashamed, these people work their *** of every day to earn essentially nothing. Its pretty depressing to look at and most people never see it.

No matter what I type in here it gets taken the wrong way because people want to always have a certain out look on a 19 year old with a sports car. Sorry if I sounded like a spoiled kid, I was in no way, shape, or form trying to brag about my dads salary, just use it as a example how everyone's situation is not the same. It's his life and he worked hard to get there and I can only hope to be half as successful.


WarmAndSCSI 07-06-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608692)
Ok just for a final clarification I was in no way bragging about how much my father makes, and I actually have no idea what the exact figure is.

The whole point of that post was to say, who is someone to try and say how someone else should spend their money? I never really got the whole idea of if someone makes good money and wants to buy their kid a nice gift that its wrong. Then what is to much? 20,000 is a ton of money. Is that to much? What about 7,000? Its all personal preference and relative to the situation.

Do you mean "too much?"

Handing your child something that is worth more than the average US family takes home per year is too much.

You're not a mature adult until you're living on your own, owning your own living, and holding at least some kind of major responsibility. End of story.

frost 07-06-2010 01:55 PM

God forbid anyone under the age of 25 mention their age on this forum. :shakes head:

nolan1016 07-06-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI (Post 608700)
Do you mean "too much?"

Handing your child something that is worth more than the average US family takes home per year is too much.

You're not a mature adult until you're living on your own, owning your own living, and holding at least some kind of major responsibility. End of story.

I would have to agree, there is no substitute to going to work every day and having to support yourself. I'm not arguing with you guys who had to work for every penny you got. I admire you guys more then you know and have a ton of respect for kids my age that do just that. I just expect some kind of respect back, because I'm not a lazy *** who just stays at home mooching off of my parents. I get rewarded for staying in line and doing the right things trying to build my life, I dont think thats so bad.

shadoquad 07-06-2010 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 608705)
God forbid anyone under the age of 25 mention their age on this forum. :shakes head:

let alone anyone mentioning their financial situation, be it outstanding or horrendous!

frost 07-06-2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by shadoquad (Post 608708)
let alone anyone mentioning their financial situation, be it outstanding or horrendous!

They don't have to bother talking about their financial status, the people on this board will just assume that < 25 = broke, living in a junk apartment, living paycheck to paycheck, addicted to coke, selling their body for cash, etc.

wishihadnav 07-06-2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608707)
I would have to agree, there is no substitute to going to work every day and having to support yourself. I'm not arguing with you guys who had to work for every penny you got. I admire you guys more then you know and have a ton of respect for kids my age that do just that. I just expect some kind of respect back, because I'm not a lazy *** who just stays at home mooching off of my parents. I get rewarded for staying in line and doing the right things trying to build my life, I dont think thats so bad.

work sucks man..stay in school as long as you can!:rofl2:

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by wishihadnav (Post 608714)
work sucks man..stay in school as long as you can!:rofl2:

hah I plan on going to law school after I graduate. Energy Commerce is starting to get pretty tough so I'm going to have to bust *** to keep my GPA high.

I have worked full time at walmart for a while and its a nice little reminder every day to get a very very very high degree.

phelan 07-06-2010 02:03 PM

Hey guys I'm 24 and I'm financing my Z on a 72-yr payment plan...good idea? :ugh2:



Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 608684)
that's because you're weak. my parent's place use to have a pit toilet inside the house. i was perfectly happy. ok, this was many decades ago. :icon17:

LOL oh god ken i laughed ridiculously hard at this :roflpuke2: pillow for you, my friend

wishihadnav 07-06-2010 02:04 PM

^go for it!

kenchan 07-06-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608696)
Maybe that's true, I'm not ashamed, these people work their *** of every day to earn essentially nothing. Its pretty depressing to look at and most people never see it.

No matter what I type in here it gets taken the wrong way because people want to always have a certain out look on a 19 year old with a sports car. Sorry if I sounded like a spoiled kid, I was in no way, shape, or form trying to brag about my dads salary, just use it as a example how everyone's situation is not the same. It's his life and he worked hard to get there and I can only hope to be half as successful.


i was only kidding! :tup: but you do sound like someone that misses his dad a lot. go visit him and your mom when you can. :hello:

kenchan 07-06-2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 608724)
Hey guys I'm 24 and I'm financing my Z on a 72-yr payment plan...good idea? :ugh2:


LOL oh god ken i laughed ridiculously hard at this :roflpuke2: pillow for you, my friend

dang, 72yr payment plan sounds like a two generation japanese home mortgage. :bowrofl:

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 608730)
i was only kidding! :tup: but you do sound like someone that misses his dad a lot. go visit him and your mom when you can. :hello:

Yeah I do, Work with a 24 hour flight makes it pretty tough. lol I thought you were serious, I had the honor of using the pit, and it was a great experience to say the least. Luckily I did not have to take a **** because it looked like it would take some skill to clean that mess up.

Cmike2780 07-06-2010 02:15 PM

:iagree: i wouldn't mind getting stuff for free, nobody would. I can honestly appreciate my car more because I worked for it and paid with my own money. Different families have different values and there is nothing wrong with giving your son or daughter a gift. But if you want them to succeed in life and become a truly good down to earth person, lessons hold more value. To earn something is up to individual interpretation, so it's up to you to decide. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. It doesn't matter if it's getting good grades or working 3 jobs. We've all come to expect anyone who's parents earn a lot for a living to have kids of the Paris Hilton variety. Those who are just plain dumb useless members of society and don't "earn" anything. Not everyone with affluent parents are like that. Just loose the attitude and appreciate what you have.

kenchan 07-06-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608747)
Yeah I do, Work with a 24 hour flight makes it pretty tough. lol I thought you were serious, I had the honor of using the pit, and it was a great experience to say the least. Luckily I did not have to take a **** because it looked like it would take some skill to clean that mess up.

oh, the pit toilet and me being happy with life back then is fact, but you being weak, i was only teasing. :tup:

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 608754)
oh, the pit toilet and me being happy with life back then is fact, but you being weak, i was only teasing. :tup:

Did yours come with the hose attached? the one I used did, it seemed to have a high pressure so I would think it would be pretty painful but who knows.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cmike2780 (Post 608753)
:iagree: i wouldn't mind getting stuff for free, nobody would. I can honestly appreciate my car more because I worked for it and paid with my own money. Different families have different values and there is nothing wrong with giving your son or daughter a gift. But if you want them to succeed in life and become a truly good down to earth person, lessons hold more value. To earn something is up to individual interpretation, so it's up to you to decide. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. It doesn't matter if it's getting good grades or working 3 jobs. We've all come to expect anyone who's parents earn a lot for a living to have kids of the Paris Hilton variety. Those who are just plain dumb useless members of society and don't "earn" anything. Not everyone with affluent parents are like that. Just loose the attitude and appreciate what you have.

I agree its all up to personal interpretation, I have friends who drive beaters that there parents bought them and have their tuiton payed for and they skip class every single day and bomb courses. Tuiton and living is 20k a year so I don't understand it, I think that is a perfect example of being spoiled over getting a nice car, when you can slack when someone is picking up a 20k a year bill for you.

For some reason in society it is wrong for a kid to get a nice gift from their parents but ok for a kid to take 80k in college tuiton, party their *** off, graduate with a 2.0 and call it a day. There is way less back lash and I dont know why

phelan 07-06-2010 02:22 PM

this went from a car thread to a 'have you used a pit toilet before' thread.

i'm astounded.


nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 608761)
this went from a car thread to a 'have you used a pit toilet before' thread.

i'm astounded.


Have you used one? You will never take your regular toilet for granted again.

phelan 07-06-2010 02:25 PM

yes, i come from southeast asia (shut up kenchan :icon14:) so i know a thing or two about them...

shadoquad 07-06-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 608761)
this went from a car thread to a 'have you used a pit toilet before' thread.

i'm astounded.


Look, if you can't use a pit toilet, then you can't appreciate what you've been given or what you have, and therefore you should not enjoy any extra attention that a 370Z can earn you around town. QED.


CrownR426 07-06-2010 02:26 PM

I don't like attention that much in my z.
It's actually annoying especially when the honda heads go all vtec kicked in yo mode...
I especially hate it when people touch my damn z.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 608769)
yes, i come from southeast asia (shut up kenchan :icon14:) so i know a thing or two about them...

That's awesome!! I have not had the opportunity to use them extensively just on rare occasions, I feel like im missing out on life.

waaaasabi 07-06-2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608774)
That's awesome!! I have not had the opportunity to use them extensively just on rare occasions, I feel like im missing out on life.

Oh perfect solution: just date a German.

Too much? Ehhhhhh.

nolan1016 07-06-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by waaaasabi (Post 608779)
Oh perfect solution: just date a German.

Too much? Ehhhhhh.

WHAT! I have never been to Germany but if this is the truth I might have to make a trip.

I know a bunch of germans but they all use the regular toilet, not a pit. So it looks like im out of luck

wishihadnav 07-06-2010 02:38 PM

pit toilet..drop pants n squat...gotta have good balance though.

Jeffblue 07-06-2010 02:38 PM

just because someone buys expensive things for their kids doesn't mean that their kid is spoiled. spoiled means one has no appreciation for the value of things and just expect them to be given to them. While i don't think that nolan's parents should have gotten him the car as a means of teaching him a life lesson of how to work hard for things, based on what he has posted, he does not sound like he has been spoiled.

spoiled is like ruined. you have NO appreciation. You just EXPECT, and when you dont get what you want, regardless of what it is, it is not acceptable. he sounds like he appreciates what he has and is not spoiled. do i think he should have payed at least half of the car? Yes. but do i think he is spoiled because is parents bought him a car? no.

and our car isn't really that outrageously expensive. i see kids driving fully loaded altimas and accords around, and those cost just as much, they just don't have good taste.

there are a lot of parents out there that are, for some reason, inclined to buy their kids nice cars. However, they usually wind up buying them some safe boring *** car for a lot of money that has "My parents picked this out" written all over it. I think its cool that his parents at least got him what he wanted instead of arbitrarily buying him some boring family sedan.

The fact of the matter is, anyone here, who wasn't abandoned by their parents at the age of six, owe their parents for helping them to be where they are. Whether they bought you a nice car and everything you want, or put food on the table and gave you a place to sleep. To anyone here who was raised by wolves, and then entered society and became successful entirely on their own, i commend you. If you weren't, just accept that different parents do different things.

kenchan 07-06-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by nolan1016 (Post 608758)
Did yours come with the hose attached? the one I used did, it seemed to have a high pressure so I would think it would be pretty painful but who knows.

no fortunately our house had toilet paper. ive been to Asia where they just have a hose. i wanted to take a schit but couldn't figure out how to use the thing so i decided to chomp down on immodium AD instead. :icon17:

kenchan 07-06-2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 608769)
yes, i come from southeast asia (shut up kenchan :icon14:) so i know a thing or two about them...

:rofl2: please dont do a DIY.

NewlyIMPORTed 07-06-2010 03:19 PM

wow i only concealed my young age because i figured frost would come and find me but dang lol this was a harsh thread

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