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bigaudiofanat 02-05-2010 11:29 PM

I have some time to kill, need some guidance.
Well this is going to be a bit long but I will try to keep it as compressed as possible.

Let me start with saying that this is about a girl. One that I have known all my life pretty much grew up together at one point she use to babysit me "4 years older than me" Her mother and my mother use to go to school together.

As I said I have know this girl my entire life. Around 4 or 5 years ago I just started feeling REAL deep emotions for this girl. Not sexual but just actually love. It is not something that I made up just simply something I can not really explain pretty much love is the only way I can put it. So around 2 years ago I told her a few things that I was feeling "over a answering machine" :eek: She called me back and told me that guys call her a lost cause because she is always busy with school work or other activities like working out or marathons. I really did not argue it and that conversation lasted like 2 minutes.

After that we really did not hang out that much nor did we really ever actually go out together and hang out.But lately the past 6 weeks we have.I have to say it has been a ton of fun and we have been surprisingly open with each other. She let me come with her line dancing and I was hooked on that so I now go every Friday with her and we talk on the way there dance and than talk on the way home. We also do other things such as today where we went out. Now what I have not told you at this point is that they are trying to sell there house. As soon as it is sold they are moving to Florida or somewhere close to there. This to me is like a time schedule that I have no idea when it will run out.

With the time we have been spending together it might be me but I think she is dropping some hints that she wants me to talk to her about how I feel. I can not be sure of them but I think that she is dropping hints and that she also knows how I feel. But as I said not sure. No girl has ever made me feel the way she does and I feel like telling her everything. But at the same time I do not want to scare her away or lose the wonderful time we are spending together.

Sort of why I am doing this is to vent a bit and maybe get some opinions.

jeepersnate 02-05-2010 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 389713)
Well this is going to be a bit long but I will try to keep it as compressed as possible.

Let me start with saying that this is about a girl. One that I have known all my life pretty much grew up together at one point she use to babysit me "4 years older than me" Her mother and my mother use to go to school together.

As I said I have know this girl my entire life. Around 4 or 5 years ago I just started feeling REAL deep emotions for this girl. Not sexual but just actually love. It is not something that I made up just simply something I can not really explain pretty much love is the only way I can put it. So around 2 years ago I told her a few things that I was feeling "over a answering machine" :eek: She called me back and told me that guys call her a lost cause because she is always busy with school work or other activities like working out or marathons. I really did not argue it and that conversation lasted like 2 minutes.

After that we really did not hang out that much nor did we really ever actually go out together and hang out.But lately the past 6 weeks we have.I have to say it has been a ton of fun and we have been surprisingly open with each other. She let me come with her line dancing and I was hooked on that so I now go every Friday with her and we talk on the way there dance and than talk on the way home. We also do other things such as today where we went out. Now what I have not told you at this point is that they are trying to sell there house. As soon as it is sold they are moving to Florida or somewhere close to there. This to me is like a time schedule that I have no idea when it will run out.

With the time we have been spending together it might be me but I think she is dropping some hints that she wants me to talk to her about how I feel. I can not be sure of them but I think that she is dropping hints and that she also knows how I feel. But as I said not sure. No girl has ever made me feel the way she does and I feel like telling her everything. But at the same time I do not want to scare her away or lose the wonderful time we are spending together.

Sort of why I am doing this is to vent a bit and maybe get some opinions.

Alright buddy, don't worry about scaring her away. If the house is going to be sold and there is the chance that she will move away then you should sit her down, someplace quiet like a park, and tell her exactly what is on your mind. If she moves away, and you both end up together somehow, then it was meant to be. Things happen for a reason. If you don't tell her exactly how you feel then she will never know.


bigaudiofanat 02-05-2010 11:48 PM

Ya, I just have to figure out where to do it.

SoCal 370Z 02-05-2010 11:59 PM

:tup: Become involved in love as much as possible to the extent that you do not get in trouble (aka child). Love comes in varying degrees, and it is not until one understands such measures that one can experience true love. Confusion is a good challenges you to grow. Enjoy my friend!

Reaper42 02-06-2010 01:53 AM

You need to tell her straight up how you feel, this isnt some girl you just met, or someone you have been friends with a couple years and think you have feelings for, (which by all means I am in no way agains people falling in true love after a couple weeks, i have seen it happened and it works) But this is someone you have known your whole life. And obviously someone who completes you. This could go a lot of ways, but the two biggest ones are, shes gunna tell you she feels the same way and that maybe not moving with her family and stayin to start a life with you is a possibility (dont know really how old you are) Or shes gunna say she doesnt feel the same way and just wants to be friends (which in my opinion, by the sound of things, would be a total ******** answer) and things might be awkward for a while and you wont beable to see her like you have been because she wont want you getting the wrong idea, but in the end she will always be around to be a friend because you have a lot of history.

IMHO be a man, grow some :nutswinger: , and tell her straigh up how you feel, and dont worry about where to do it, the most romantic places to do things are the most common in your everyday lives, otherwise your just goin out of your way when you dont need to, and women are turned off by that.

If you dont, shes gunna move, and instead of living your life with her, or upset she didnt love you back, your gunna be living life NOT knowing what could or couldnt happen and thats way worse.


topcarbon 02-06-2010 06:11 AM

Tell her how you feel and grow from this experience.

If you tell her, you will know how she feels about you, if you dont, you will always wonder.

bigaudiofanat 02-06-2010 08:40 AM

You guys are right no other way to put it. I just need to tell her.

blue660r01 02-06-2010 09:34 AM

Thank god this isnt my350z otherwise you would be getting torn up lol

Jjaden 02-06-2010 09:53 AM

Be straight up, often there is a 'window' of opportunity.

During this window you are being sized up as potential relationship material. After that window has passed you settle comfortably into the 'friend' category and will find it very difficult to progress.

If you tell her what 's on your mind and it doesn't work out, who cares, you will never have regrets.

If things go how you would like, you will have been rewarded for taking a chance.

It's a win-win situation...

bigaudiofanat 02-06-2010 09:53 AM

Ya I actually know which sites to post stuff like this up. is actually a much more friendly place and not all about who can come up with the biggest insult.

Reaper42 02-06-2010 06:17 PM

^ yea is pretty pathetic too. I cant even post up a for sale thread selling my seats, or put up a journal of my cars progress without some jag off commenting 5 times in a row. all the way!

bigaudiofanat 02-06-2010 07:50 PM

Ya I agree, now I just have to go see her on a day that she has some time or just wait until this Friday.

frost 02-06-2010 08:17 PM

Grab life by the balls. You think you're gonna give a shit when you're 80 that some chick you knew when you were a kid rejected you?

Togo 02-06-2010 08:20 PM

All i got to say is make sure whatever you chose to do, you have no regrets. You don't want to ever have to look back later in life and think, hey what if this or that..

frost 02-06-2010 08:21 PM

I think togo was basically copying my comment :x

370Zsteve 02-06-2010 08:21 PM


Togo 02-06-2010 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 390588)
I think togo was basically copying my comment :x

I didn't see your comment until i posted mine... thank you very much!

frost 02-06-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Togo (Post 390592)
I didn't see your comment until i posted mine... thank you very much!

They were three minutes apart. It took you three minutes to type those two sentences?

blue660r01 02-06-2010 08:27 PM

Put a copyright on your answer frost so you can sue him!!!!

frost 02-06-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by blue660r01 (Post 390608)
Put a copyright on your answer frost so you can sue him!!!!

good thinking, done and done.

Togo 02-06-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 390603)
They were three minutes apart. It took you three minutes to type those two sentences?

Well since you MUST know.. I started to reply and got side tracked messaging a buddy at the same time

frost 02-06-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Togo (Post 390611)
Well since you MUST know.. I started to reply and got side tracked messaging a buddy at the same time

Soccer buddy?

Togo 02-06-2010 08:33 PM

Lmao Frost...

370Zsteve 02-06-2010 08:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

bigaudiofanat 02-06-2010 08:36 PM

LMAO FROST i am on the floor LMAO

frost 02-06-2010 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 390629)
LMAO FROST i am on the floor LMAO

Then my work here is done.

jeepersnate 02-06-2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 390618)

Hey, is that prince Harry? :superghey:

SmoothZ 02-06-2010 09:14 PM

As people have said before, tell her how you feel. I think the location is key. You don't want to do it somewhere that she can be distracted. It needs to be more private and dare I say intimate.

Just do it.

bigaudiofanat 02-06-2010 09:20 PM

I am thinking in the car but than she would not be able to have more space if need be. Maybe on the way back.

SmoothZ 02-06-2010 09:25 PM

Maybe you could tell her first that you have something important to talk to her about, then ask her to pick a good place that will be comfortable. :confused: Heck, I don't know. Whenever I have anything important to say, I just keep it to myself since I'm

Seriously, in your case the conversation would probably start off with:

"I don't know how else to start, but I need to tell you how I feel __________."

Give her the best puppy dog eyes you can muster.

shabarivas 02-06-2010 09:45 PM

Take her line dancing next week - on the way home stop over somewhere nice and just say wanna chat about some stuff? Tell her you have been enjoying time with her and you will miss it when she moves away... drop the ball on her court and play it by ear. Just tell her what you have been telling us man... if she digs you and feels the same then go for it... Distance means nothing quite honestly...

jeepersnate 02-06-2010 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 390741)
Take her line dancing next week - on the way home stop over somewhere nice and just say wanna chat about some stuff? Tell her you have been enjoying time with her and you will miss it when she moves away... drop the ball on her court and play it by ear. Just tell her what you have been telling us man... if she digs you and feels the same then go for it... Distance means nothing quite honestly...


j.arnaldo 02-07-2010 10:48 AM

Are you a Mason, SmoothZ? What's with the Oroboros serp'?

frost 02-07-2010 10:50 AM

Are we still talking about this? Did you get her a gift yet?

Togo 02-07-2010 10:53 AM

lmao frost.. thats great!

bigaudiofanat 02-11-2010 08:47 PM

Just my luck, she was going to go to Virgina on Saturday but they decided to leave today her and her family. They will not be back until Monday. I texted her today to ask if she wanted to hang out or something but never heard back from her. "Now I know why he was busy packing" UGH

sloterg 02-13-2010 12:53 PM

i agree with everyone here, u gotta tell her how u feel, most girls are great at analyzing everything u do step by step. while ur thinking of one thing shes thought about a million others. they like to weigh their choices soemtimes and sometimes u gotta make her an offer she cant refuse lol. u gotta show her u can man up and tell her, and once u do, explain to her ur situation, and maybe with that, she can explain to u, hers. confidence is the most important thing u can have when ur with or planning to be with someone. that establishes whos gonna be the dominant one in the relationship.

SmoothZ 02-13-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by j.arnaldo (Post 391130)
Are you a Mason, SmoothZ? What's with the Oroboros serp'?

Not a Mason. I'm into ancient symbols and was researching my next tat.

frost 02-13-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by sloterg (Post 400320)
i agree with everyone here, u gotta give her your dick in a box


sloterg 02-13-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 400354)


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