Originally Posted by STItoEVOX
i kinda agree it was a bit of a copout. mostly because the final outcome was something people had been predicting since the first season. booo!
No one predicted what would happen in Seasons 2-6. Some people predicted that everything that happened on the island would be "a dream" or that everyone would be already dead.
Neither was the case.
Everything that happened on the island, happened. The Flash Sideways almost fits those predictions, but once the Flash Sideways started, everyone I know had no clue it would turn out the way it did. Most predicted the 2 parallels would collide or overlap at some point.
I absolutely loved the ending. My girl and I cried, laughed, and were at the edge of our seats, which is more than what you can ask for. I would have loved a little more info on Hurley, or Kate/Sawyer, but questions being answered would just lead to more questions, as Jacob once pointed out.
Great job Lost.