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Old 05-21-2010, 08:48 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Location: New York
Posts: 293
Drives: 2009 370z 6MT
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I basically had the same annoying negotiations, which promptly ended when I printed out a list for invoice pricing of all the options and the car itself and told him "how about we start negotiating from here". His reaction was priceless too. He looked at it, looked at me and said "Where did you get this?"

BUT, they did try and eff me pretty bad to the point where it almost caused me to walk out on the hours I just spent getting the car a couple hundred below invoice. He told me his financing team can get me a great deal on a loan, "we have several banks we work with to get you the best rate!" Well, how convenient, huh? Now, I don't have a very extensive credit history, as I am under 25, and this was the first new car I have ever purchased, BUT I do have very good credit. So, he comes back to me and gives me a quote of something around 7.9% and said "this is a GREAT rate. You won't get much better than that on the market." Now, again, I'm no 60 year old veteran of purchasing cars, but a 7.9% APR isn't great. So, I told him I would consider it and be back to finalize the paperwork. So, I called him back and asked once more, 7.9% is the best you can do? Seems a little high. He assures me, its a great deal and they simply cannot find a lower rate after searching around. After telling him I would call him back, I walked right into my bank (Chase) and talk to a rep for a solid 20min. He gives me a quote of 4.1%. Now, I don't know what "banks" they are checking with, but you would think Chase would be one of them. And if not, you would think one of their numerous loan sources would be somewhere near what I got in a matter of 20min. So, I called Nissan again after I talked to the Chase manager. Once again he assures me, 7.9% is really good in "today's market". Right there I told him I just got 4.1% from Chase. He quickly says, "Oh, I didn't check with them! Let me see what I can do." Calls me back a half hour later and says, "Great news! I found a bank willing to give you a loan for 3.99%!" I actually laughed on the phone. This means to me that he either A.) did not talk to anyone and went with whatever bank he called first, B) purposely tried to eff me over with a bad rate. I told him I'd think about it. I honestly sat there and contemplated walking away on principal alone. But, I decided to stick with that dealership because I honestly did not want to go through negotiations with another dealership and I actually did get a decent price from them on the Z.
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