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Old 01-30-2010, 02:20 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by frost View Post
You're shifting direction on me mate; if you wanna argue with whoever said nismo owners are asses, I can go take a nap because that wasn't me.

You seem pretty defensive against me for saying that the price of the nismo doesn't justify the costs, but that's what this thread is about. The original poster said "I can't seem to justify the price difference between the models, especially when it's just a few bolt-on upgrades" which is exactly what my post is about. great for you that you don't feel the need to justify what you spent (likely because you can't) or that it's none of my business (which by the way you made it my business when you decided to post in this thread), but this thread is about convincing the OP that spending the money on the nismo is justifiable, which unless I missed something, no one can seem to be able to do.

You asked for proof that the nismo may be slower than the standard, I provided it, and now you want to go off in a rant to distract from it, but you're not pulling the wool over my eyes, my wife tries that trick all the time.
Just for fun (since I used to be an american muscle guy) I compared the Z to the vette as far as their track brands. If my math is off, feel free to correct me.
The nismo is 30-31% more expensive than the base Z. And for that extra cost, you get a 5% power increase. The z06 vette is 50% more than the base vette, but you get a 17% power increase (I wont even bother going into all the other goodies you get with a z06 to keep this simple). So, if the Z were to stay on par with this "lowly american brand," the nismo should either have more HP or cost less. And let's face it, the z06 is a real track car out of the box, and IMHO, the nismo is not.
I did this in percentage instead of actual dollars so no one could be distracted by the vette costing much more money.
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