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shesha 06-22-2009 04:31 PM

Followed by cops all the time
:ugh2: I work by LAX, and anytime I am driving to and from work, I get these real jerk off cops, who just follow me until I arrive at work.

They literally follow me till I get to the parking structure, and sit there for a second to watch me swipe my card, like I was trying to ditch them and pulled into the parking as a plan!

Sick of it man. Im 32 and I still get treated like a punk!
With my Tints being removed last week end, I think I have decided not to get any tints done. I get way to much heat from the police, and I don't want to give them any reason to pull me over.

grahfz 06-22-2009 04:35 PM

...what race are you?

Educ8r 06-22-2009 04:53 PM

Definitely a valid question!


Originally Posted by grahfz (Post 97135)
...what race are you?

IDZRVIT 06-22-2009 04:55 PM

What's wrong with having your own police escort going to/from work?:rolleyes:

FuszNissan 06-22-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by IDZRVIT (Post 97153)
What's wrong with having your own police escort going to/from work?:rolleyes:

That's what I was thinking. It would be nice!

wstar 06-22-2009 04:59 PM

Don't let them harass you. Assuming everything is legal (re: you and the car at the time), when it gets to the ridiculously obvious point, just pull over to the side of the road, roll down the window, and wait. Either they'll leave, or they'll approach and you can ask them why they're harassing you. They'll get tired of this game quickly.

Roo 06-22-2009 05:00 PM

I see no downside to having a police escort every day. Look at Obama! :p

zZSportZz 06-22-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 97159)
Don't let them harass you. Assuming everything is legal (re: you and the car at the time), when it gets to the ridiculously obvious point, just pull over to the side of the road, roll down the window, and wait. Either they'll leave, or they'll approach and you can ask them why they're harassing you. They'll get tired of this game quickly.

Damn, I'd be scared to do that in front of LAPD.

edeeZee 06-22-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by grahfz (Post 97135)
...what race are you?

don't start there, seriously...this sh*t can get nasty! It's about as cliche as "politics & religion."

But like NWA said: F%CK THE PO-LEECE!!!!

shesha 06-22-2009 05:08 PM


wstar 06-22-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by zZSportZz (Post 97163)
Damn, I'd be scared to do that in front of LAPD.

That's what they're shooting for, scaring you into submission. Don't let them. If you're not doing anything illegal, there's no reason for them to be harassing you on the road.

And yes, a cop following someone around for no real reason is harassment. Everyone, regardless of legal status, watches the cop in the rear view, gets nervous, gets distracted, etc. This leads to driver mistakes (which is what the cop is hoping for, to induce a ticket-able offense), and could even result in an accident.

Just remember to be courteous when you confront them, and keep that lawyer on speed dial :)

edeeZee 06-22-2009 05:12 PM

It bet it's because ricers or kids speed through that tunnel all the time. I used work near there, and I literally saw those "rentacops" or quasi-LAPD pull people over from that turn off the 105 W merging onto Sepulveda. People don't take that red light seriously.

tstrick9 06-22-2009 05:22 PM

Maybe they just like the way the z looks from the rear, i know i do.

Viera 06-22-2009 05:27 PM

Just popo's that got nothing else better to do than to harass us.

nizz23sd 06-22-2009 05:38 PM

i have cops waited for me when i was at the light at an intersection and when he pulled on the side of my car i rolled my window down and he did the same thing,then he asked him self outloud this..why did i buy a g37?370 looks a lot better in so many ways and he told me he dig my z.sometimes we get offended when cops follow you around but you have to understand that its their job to do didnt mention if this same cop pulled you over and give you a citation.i think in my own opinion hes just admiring ur 370 and wish that hes driving one instead of driving his patrol know once in a while youl see a rare car and you starts admiring it? sometimes you even follow it arround just to get more glimpse of it? its the same thing what this cop was be honest with you im the third one here in san diego to have the 370z according to the dealer and yet so far i have not seen the other two.

shesha 06-22-2009 06:00 PM

No, I haven't gotten a ticket. Its not the same cop, I just see them go out of their way to get behind me to see what I am up to.

Its kind of funny. Like today, he switched 3 lanes followed me to work waited to see if I was really parking, I lold, but it gets annoying.

Trips 06-22-2009 06:01 PM

Some police are like Vultures looking for prey and I mean some.

Junior370z 06-22-2009 06:07 PM

nizz23sd you've seen my Z lol!

I get paranoid when cops are behind me. I know I'm not doing anything wrong, but all my past confrontations with the cops has me a bit jittery. They'll follow a bit then next thing you know they're gone.
Is it the same cop following all the time? If so that cop is just being a d**k!

510z 06-22-2009 06:35 PM

There is a very simple explanation for what is going on. You have what they call Delusions of Persecution.

delusions of persecution

a delusion (common in paranoia) that others are out to get you and frustrate and embarrass you or inflict suffering on you; a complicated conspiracy is frequently imagined.

Its okay. you are not special. no one is out to get you. the police do not have a collective consciousness.

dad 06-22-2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by shesha (Post 97200)
No, I haven't gotten a ticket. Its not the same cop, I just see them go out of their way to get behind me to see what I am up to.

Its kind of funny. Like today, he switched 3 lanes followed me to work waited to see if I was really parking, I lold, but it gets annoying.

As long as you don't give them a reason, they(legally)can't pull you over.

spearfish25 06-22-2009 06:55 PM

My father in law is a cop. Let me tell you what goes on in their little world. They drive around all day, bored out of their minds. Then they see a new Z on the road, so they change lanes and follow it a bit. "Hmmm, that's that new sportscar. Hmmm, has a nice, sleek look. Hmmm, wonder what it looks like from the side. Hmmm, wonder if there is a hot woman driving it...better see where she goes."

It's not always malicious...just a change in the monotony for them. If they really felt like it, they'd just pull you over to talk about it.

rackley 06-22-2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by spearfish25 (Post 97245)
My father in law is a cop. Let me tell you what goes on in their little world. They drive around all day, bored out of their minds. Then they see a new Z on the road, so they change lanes and follow it a bit. "Hmmm, that's that new sportscar. Hmmm, has a nice, sleek look. Hmmm, wonder what it looks like from the side. Hmmm, wonder if there is a hot woman driving it...better see where she goes."

It's not always malicious...just a change in the monotony for them. If they really felt like it, they'd just pull you over to talk about it.

That's exactly what I was going to say. Cops are just people too - they see a sleek new sports car for the first time and they're probably just curious. Just like you turn your head when you see a lambo (drool, saw a yellow one yesterday) or similar passing by.

rench 06-22-2009 08:34 PM

I got tailed the other day for about 5 miles... I've decided that next time a cop is unsafely close to me (as the last one was) I'm gonna call 911 on my cell and report em for driving to close/harrassing me for no reason lol.

frost 06-22-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 97159)
Don't let them harass you. Assuming everything is legal (re: you and the car at the time), when it gets to the ridiculously obvious point, just pull over to the side of the road, roll down the window, and wait. Either they'll leave, or they'll approach and you can ask them why they're harassing you. They'll get tired of this game quickly.

that's EXACTLY what I would do. 2nd choice, get the car number and call up the station and ask to file a complaint.

kannibul 06-22-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by wstar (Post 97169)
That's what they're shooting for, scaring you into submission. Don't let them. If you're not doing anything illegal, there's no reason for them to be harassing you on the road.

And yes, a cop following someone around for no real reason is harassment. Everyone, regardless of legal status, watches the cop in the rear view, gets nervous, gets distracted, etc. This leads to driver mistakes (which is what the cop is hoping for, to induce a ticket-able offense), and could even result in an accident.

Just remember to be courteous when you confront them, and keep that lawyer on speed dial :)

Funny thing could be the cop drives that way to/from work. I don't know about LA, but cops around here take their cruisers home.

kannibul 06-22-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by rench (Post 97313)
I got tailed the other day for about 5 miles... I've decided that next time a cop is unsafely close to me (as the last one was) I'm gonna call 911 on my cell and report em for driving to close/harrassing me for no reason lol.

And get pulled over for using a cellphone while driving...

Oh, wait, the Z has bluetooth...lolz

StLRedrider 06-22-2009 08:47 PM

I haven't had any problems ever since i got pulled over for speeding awhile back. My big fear is my truck, it's about a foot higher than legal bumper height's and the five inch exhaust can be heard from 3 blocks away. So i'm waiting for the day i get pulled over in the ford.

g96818 06-22-2009 08:54 PM

brake test them

tolnep 06-22-2009 09:09 PM


keep some in your car, when the cops get close, roll down your window, let em pull up beside you and offer a kryspy creme out the window..

course.. this could make things worse, they could be following you around like a love sick hippo with their tongues out, slavering like grues waiting on a sugar powered creme filled donut from their favorite feeder...

CrownR426 06-22-2009 09:24 PM

They probably really admire the z and have never seen the 370z or are just waiting for you to do a violation. That's what the cops around here and ny do to me all the time.
Good luck and they aren't always there to bust our balls!

FricFrac 06-23-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by dad (Post 97235)
As long as you don't give them a reason, they(legally)can't pull you over.

When I had my 280ZX I had a cop pull me over. I pulled into the parking lot and I'm SURE I haven't done anything. He asks for my licsence and registration then he comes back to the car and I'm all freaking out and half pissed off because I can't think of why he would be pulling me over. He comes back and says "thanks". I ask him why he pulled me over and he says "oh these cars get stolen a lot". So I tell him I hadn't reported mine stolen so I'm still not sure why he was pulling me over and he says "we'll we like to be sure". I wish I was a little older and experience and I'd have shown my displeasure...

...oh and I had another extremely mechanically challenged cop pull me over. He said I had crossed over a single line at an intersection which I hadn't. I told him that I hadn't and was it possible from his viewing angle that it was after I had passed through the intersection that I had changed lanes. Well he was already on to the next item on his agenda. I had pulled over and it was one of those sloping sidewalks and my rear tire was on the curb. He procedes to tell me I need an inspection because my axel was broken! I tried to explain to him that the car had independant rear suspension and that the axel wasn't broken its just that each rear wheel was independant from the axel of the other rear wheel. He didn't get it and made me get the inspection anyhow.

sooo.... at least they were just following you and not actually pulling you over an harassing you... I was happy last week when the cop followed me for a few kms and never bothered to pull me over. I think for the most part they are just bored - just don't suck me into your boredom ;)

SMcK23 06-23-2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by 510z (Post 97219)
There is a very simple explanation for what is going on. You have what they call Delusions of Persecution.

delusions of persecution

a delusion (common in paranoia) that others are out to get you and frustrate and embarrass you or inflict suffering on you; a complicated conspiracy is frequently imagined.

Its okay. you are not special. no one is out to get you. the police do not have a collective consciousness.


zZSportZz 06-23-2009 07:52 AM

Growing up in a small town I really was NOT a fan of the police. In a small town with relatively no crime and only 1 police officer on duty at a time, there was nothing for them to do but harass and annoy. They literally drove around all day looking for the tiniest of tiny infractions because there was just nothing to do. Imagine driving around and getting pulled over because you have a graduation tassel hanging from your rear view mirror...or your tires are sticking out 1/4 inch (yes 1/4 inch - 55 dollar fine might I add).

With that said, moving from the small town to a crime infested area has given me a whole new appreciation for the police.

SiXK 06-23-2009 08:22 AM

it may be nothing but they may just be waiting for you to make any mistake, believe me I know.

Although I have not gotten pulled over in my 370Z, In the last 18 months I have gotten two tickets in my old 350Z:

65 in a 55
64 in a 55

Both were on packed highways in the morning as I was going to work. One cop followed me almost 12 MILES, got beside me and as soon as I was going barely faster than him, he hit the brakes, got behind me again and gave me a ticket for 64 in a 55 - the speed everyone was going. He was already mad about something when he asked me if I knew why he pulled me over and I said "well you followed me 10 miles" and he said "I know" walked away and wrote the ticket. I have no doubt it was the car that got his attention.

if a cop gets behind me now, I get over immediately and then get back over after they pass.

either they are going 55 and daring people to pass them, or they are going 90 and tailgating people who won't get out of their way.

cops are people too but they are too often jerks.

3SeventyZ 06-23-2009 04:12 PM

I noticed it when i first bought my 350.
Got used to it after a while. Not as bad now with the 370.
As long as you drive the speed limit there's nothing to worry about.

IDZRVIT 06-23-2009 04:23 PM

I'm being watched by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

tooohip 06-23-2009 04:53 PM

I've only had one cop even remotely glance at my Z. Guess they have better things to do in MD. ;-)

kannibul 06-23-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by zZSportZz (Post 97600)
Growing up in a small town I really was NOT a fan of the police. In a small town with relatively no crime and only 1 police officer on duty at a time, there was nothing for them to do but harass and annoy. They literally drove around all day looking for the tiniest of tiny infractions because there was just nothing to do. Imagine driving around and getting pulled over because you have a graduation tassel hanging from your rear view mirror...or your tires are sticking out 1/4 inch (yes 1/4 inch - 55 dollar fine might I add).

With that said, moving from the small town to a crime infested area has given me a whole new appreciation for the police.

Same deal back home, a friend of mine got pulled over, and ticketed, for going 66MPH...where the speed limit is posted 65MPH.

He was driving an older car, which more than likely, was off by 1-2%...

racerxj17 06-23-2009 09:09 PM

there is always two sides to the story. generally, people that complain, drive like a$$holes. (not meaning the OP does). second, id be willing to bet the coppers have no interest in you, they just end up behind you. if they wanted to pull you over, they will. you think they need a reason? ANY car, i dont care if your a saint with a perfect driving record, will commit a violation within minutes that is enough PC to get pulled over for.

anyways, most people hate the popo, but love them when their house is getting broken in to. it is what it is. ill follow a 370 just to check it out and maybe talk to the driver:tiphat:

anyways, my 2c...

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