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RayYay 03-13-2009 01:40 PM

S2000 owner, just admiring the new 370z
Hello everyone

I know I may get some **** for being an s2000 owner and posting on a Z forum, but I just wanted to say that not all s2000 owners are fanboys. I have loved the Z forever now and I am def loving the new 370z!

I just bought a 2008 Honda s2000 GPW, don't get me wrong, I love my car, but the 370z is in another class. My buddy is thinking about upgrading his 05 G35 to the 370z and I cannot wait to try out the rev match!

Wheels are nice too, very similar to the 08+ S2000s

Awesome car guys!


theDreamer 03-13-2009 01:42 PM

No hate here, welcome to the boards.
Make sure when your buddy gets one you get a nice long test in the drive seat, tell him you will do a nice break in for him. ;)

chubbs 03-13-2009 01:44 PM

Yay, Ray!

While we're having this Loveathon, I really like the S2000 too - big shame it's being discontinued this year. It looks gorgeous - especially with a hard top on, although at the end of the day it's just a little bit of a toy as far as I'm concerned.

Ryan@IP 03-13-2009 01:45 PM

Former S2000 owner here :hello:

RayYay 03-13-2009 01:55 PM

I agree, the S2000 is a tiny sports car while the Z is a powerhouse in a league of it's own, more masculine IMO. Not saying Ima fruit or anything, the S2000 has always been the car I've wanted but could never afford it til now. I'm not a ricer and not trying to do anything major, just subtle mods. Here's a pic of my ride which I just bought not too long ago, but I gotta admit, I am kinda having second thoughts now....this 370z is too sick haha!

Any of u guys have a White 370Z? I would love to see pics!

Anatoray 03-13-2009 02:01 PM

I'll never understand why the S2000 and Z camps seem to have this strange conflict issue. The two cars are not really in direct competition, but a lot of people in boht camps act like they are.

I am a long time S2000 fan. I wanted one ever since I saw one for the first time, and was seriously considering it when looking at cars recently, but went with the 370Z because it blew me away, was the new hotness, and I do kind of consider the S2000 cursed for my family tree. My cousin got one in its debut year and totalled it. It flipped twice, and he would have died had it not been for the hard top. Ever since then I've thought of owning an S2000 with a slight chill in my spine.

Still, as far as two seat convertable go, I think the S2000 is by far the best. Excluding the 6 figure exotics, of course.

SoCal 370Z 03-13-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by RayYay (Post 43271)
...I gotta admit, I am kinda having second thoughts now....this 370z is too sick haha!

Why the second thoughts? The S2000 is a brillant car!

RayYay 03-13-2009 02:04 PM

How does the 370z drive compared to like an 05 G35? (stock vs stock) Cuz when I drove my buddy's G35, it was more power and torquey than my s2000, but I honestly thought my car was more fun to drive cuz it feels like it's on rails and handles like a dream.

I feel this 370z would be like the best of both worlds

Ryan@IP 03-13-2009 02:06 PM

I love the GPW with red interior. I had Silverstone with the red/black interior. I also like the fact that you have the lip and side strakes. It's amazing what the little OEM accessories can do to make the car look so much better.

LenZToy 03-13-2009 05:21 PM

Welcome! Great little car. I had 2 Hondas, my first was a 1984 Prelude. Loved the car. I have 3 kids who I each bought Hondas for (used) - 2 civics and 1 accord. In 2002 I was actually planning to by the s2000, but it was a little too small for me. That led me to the 350Z and now a new 370Z.

semtex 03-13-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan@IP (Post 43261)
Former S2000 owner here :hello:

Ditto that here! :tup:

RDGR12 03-13-2009 06:21 PM

Welcome to the board!

I've driven the S2000, but I've never been impressed by it and I just couldn't appreciate it very much. Perhaps I'm missing the "it" factor and may be some one can point it out for me. It sure does handle well, but for me personally, that's as far as it gets (simply expressing my experience).

Also, one major thing that really does not make sense for me is its price (new or used). Sheesh!!

onethreefive 03-13-2009 06:43 PM

<---- Another former s2k owner. 06 gpw black on black. The best thing I miss about it is the handling and that awesome precise shifter.
BTW. We want everyone to feel welcome in this forum regardless of what kind of car they drive. We're all car enthusiasts here, so with that said
Welcome aboard. :tiphat:

RayYay 03-13-2009 07:57 PM

Thanks guys! What's funny is that I actually feel more welcome here than the s2000 forums! haha so many haters there, they think every other car sucks. I actually got clowned for not having my car lowered. haha geezus give me a break! I just barely hit 4k miles! haha

There's actually a thread going around right now called "S2000 CR vs Nismo 350z" and so many of those guys just cant accept the fact that the Z is simply faster!

This link is sweet btw - Motive Versus: Nissan 370Z vs. Porsche Cayman S

theDreamer 03-13-2009 08:04 PM

Most people in any debate will defend their angle to no end even when in the end it either does not matter, both have plus & minuses, or clearly one is better.

PC v. Mac
Chocolate v. Vanilla
S2000 v. Z
PC Gaming v. Console Gaming

That is just a few, it starts out as fun, but quicker than later someone throws some mud and then it never ends.

frost 03-13-2009 08:09 PM

Not much hate from this board. There was a post here called "Honda announces the end of the most amazing roadster ever produced" referring of coarse to the s2000. I believe no one bagged on the car, which is amazing, lol.

RCZ 03-15-2009 07:00 PM

I love S2000's! I don't see why we would hate on them at all. I hope this forum stays like this..hopefully mods will do a good job keeping haters out..

Nice car and thanks for the compliments on the Z.

OMGWTFBBQ 03-15-2009 08:58 PM


In my humble opinion, that is quite possibly the BEST color combination out there for the s2000. I saw one in the exact same specs (minus lip kit, jdm emblems, etc.) pretty much stock at a dealership near me a little more than a year ago. I didn't pick it up sadly. Fast forward, and I'm now on this board haha.


TacoZ 03-16-2009 01:22 AM

I love my S2K that's why I can't trade it in. I will just save up for a bigger down payment on the 370Z. That way I can enjoy the power of the Z and on nice days, I can enjoy the convertible. Both cars have things that I love about it so I can't choose. Although I want the new experience in the Z, I know I will regret trading in the S2K.

RayYay 03-16-2009 10:38 AM

on the sk2 forums, everyone says that Z owners do nuttin but talk trash on s2ks, so I had to find out for myself. But I found the complete opposite was true. I honestly think that most S2k owners are pretty fkn lame

Yo Tacoz I'm from Garden Grove too, what part you from?

semtex 03-16-2009 10:55 AM

^^Well, if you go check out, you might find a different tone there. ;)

TacoZ 03-17-2009 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by RayYay (Post 44204)
on the sk2 forums, everyone says that Z owners do nuttin but talk trash on s2ks, so I had to find out for myself. But I found the complete opposite was true. I honestly think that most S2k owners are pretty fkn lame

Yo Tacoz I'm from Garden Grove too, what part you from?

I'm around the Harbor/Westminster part of town.

AK370Z 03-17-2009 08:33 AM

Welcome to the forums. I have never owned S2000 but I really like that car. It's precise handling and amazingly short (OEM) shifting gearbox tempted me to buy the car. I did drive it once and I personally think even the 09 370Z shift knob isn't as short or precise as the S2000 one.


Originally Posted by onethreefive (Post 43382)
BTW. We want everyone to feel welcome in this forum regardless of what kind of car they drive. We're all car enthusiasts here.

^^ Agreed. :tup:

MightyBobo 03-20-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by RayYay (Post 44204)
on the sk2 forums, everyone says that Z owners do nuttin but talk trash on s2ks, so I had to find out for myself. But I found the complete opposite was true. I honestly think that most S2k owners are pretty fkn lame

Yo Tacoz I'm from Garden Grove too, what part you from?

I think its more along the lines of, Honda owners are used to having trash talk about them so they assume it happens all the time lol.

On the other hand, a lot of people think Z owners are pompous, pretentious pricks.

Me, I can appreciate any car tastefully done. The S2000 is a fantastic car in its class. A little pricey for me, for what you get, but its not bad at all - a nice little roadster.

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