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heatherZ13 11-18-2013 08:10 AM

HELP Please! Kids lost mother to Street Race
Hello everyone:

My name is Heather, and I am from Houston, Texas. A friend of mines Friend/Coworker was killed Friday night due to an illegal street race between 2 trucks in Pasadena Texas. She left behind 2 kids (4 and 6) and her Husband was killed last year, so now the kids don't have either parent. The funeral is this Friday, November 22 and we are trying to raise money for the funeral costs and for the children. I originally posted this in the Houston Z's facebook page, because as a group of "fast cars" I figured it would be a nice public gesture to make a donation to the family as a group, then it was brought to my attention to bring it to the forum.

The first link takes you to the article about the accident, and the second link takes you to the donation page where you can donate money. ANYTHING helps. The website will automatically add 2.5% to whatever you donate, but you can lower the percentage or make it Zero. The website does not charge to set up the fundraiser so the extra percentage that is added on goes toward keeping the website up and running.

Police: Illegal street race kills woman, causes power outage in Pasadena |

For the Kids | Memorial/Funeral -

Thank you for your time and anything you are able to help with will be greatly appreciated.

DEpointfive0 11-18-2013 08:52 AM

Hey guys, I know this is shítty news and depressing at best. But don't buy your morning coffee today and donate $5. The kids don't deserve what happened, and ANYTHING to help distract the kids or to give them that little bit of happiness while they are in this stage of being extremely sad is worth it.
Let's help the kids out and try to normalize their holidays by donating

Mods, I'm going to bump this thread every hour. Sorry

TreeSemdyZee 11-18-2013 09:08 AM

Sad to hear.

Due to my company's stupid "security" policy, I can't hit the donation site. Have to do it from home I guess.

Thanks for posting.

Chuck33079 11-18-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee (Post 2573069)
Due to my company's stupid "security" policy, I can't hit the donation site. Have to do it from home I guess.

I'm in the same boat, so I'll give later tonight.

I'm probably going to get shat on for even asking this, but does the fact we're taking donations mean that the family had no life insurance at all? With two young children?

Are the racers in custody?

heatherZ13 11-18-2013 09:33 AM

Unfortunately, you are correct. No life insurance. She worked at Olive Garden. However, one thing I forgot to mention in this post is that whatever is given to Olive Garden for her family, they will match. The funeral is on Friday, so all the donations to this website will be given to the Olive Garden on 45 and Fuqua (where she worked) Thursday night which will then be matched.

And YES both racers are in custody and will be facing charges. For anyone in the Houston area, if you'd like to go to the Olive Garden off 45 and Fuqua to donate personally, give it to the manager and tell them it is for Maria Rodriguez Family.

Chuck33079 11-18-2013 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by heatherZ13 (Post 2573122)
Unfortunately, you are correct. No life insurance. She worked at Olive Garden. However, one thing I forgot to mention in this post is that whatever is given to Olive Garden for her family, they will match. The funeral is on Friday, so all the donations to this website will be given to the Olive Garden on 45 and Fuqua (where she worked) Thursday night which will then be matched.

And YES both racers are in custody and will be facing charges. For anyone in the Houston area, if you'd like to go to the Olive Garden off 45 and Fuqua to donate personally, give it to the manager and tell them it is for Maria Rodriguez Family.

That's tragic. I'll donate when I get home.

Please don't take this the wrong way people, but if you have a family please get some insurance. Term insurance is cheap. Protect your loved ones.

Chuck33079 11-18-2013 09:47 AM

Please do not interpret this as victim blaming at all. I just hope that this can be a teaching moment for people out there with families. We've all read this story way too often and it's heartbreaking every time.

osirus 11-18-2013 09:57 AM

Our Sincerest condolences and heartfelt sympathies go out to the families of these kids and the friends and families who have been affected by this tragedy. Just like was posted above, let this not just be a lesson or a finger pointing incident but a learning moment in life to all of us who are with families, but more importantly, YOU are someone's Son, Daughter, Father, Mother, Sister or Brother, Uncle or Aunt. YOU Mean something to someone. Remember that you may not be hurt if an accident should occur if you are involved in said actions, but you could hurt someone else, and it's not worth it. Deepest sympathies and condolences on behalf of us here in DFW.

Jigalo 11-18-2013 10:00 AM

Ill be going to the olive garden tonight to donate. I'm sorry for your loss. Unfortunately trucks race through the neighborhoods on this side of town all the time. Is there a specific manager or anyone of them will work?

heatherZ13 11-18-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jigalo (Post 2573147)
Ill be going to the olive garden tonight to donate. I'm sorry for your loss. Unfortunately trucks race through the neighborhoods on this side of town all the time. Is there a specific manager or anyone of them will work?

You can just ask for Kim Scott, or if she is not there, any general manger. Thank you very much!

DEpointfive0 11-18-2013 10:10 AM

Times like this I love the 370Z community

ka24king 11-18-2013 10:18 AM

really sad be careful you all keep the racing on the track.

Zbrah 11-18-2013 02:32 PM


Zbrah 11-18-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2573049)
Hey guys, I know this is shítty news and depressing at best. But don't buy your morning coffee today and donate $5. The kids don't deserve what happened, and ANYTHING to help distract the kids or to give them that little bit of happiness while they are in this stage of being extremely sad is worth it.
Let's help the kids out and try to normalize their holidays by donating

Mods, I'm going to bump this thread every hour. Sorry

I'm with you 100% buddy.

heatherZ13 11-18-2013 02:37 PM

Thank you!!!

Tempestz 11-18-2013 03:47 PM

Donation made.

alcheng 11-18-2013 06:22 PM

done. :tiphat:

heatherZ13 11-18-2013 06:32 PM

You guys are all great. I can't express my appreciation enough for all your help.

DEpointfive0 11-18-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by heatherZ13 (Post 2573869)
You guys are all great. I can't express my appreciation enough for all your help.

I told you. Great group of people we have here!

I honestly do not know Heather or the woman who was killed but I really am thankful and happy you guys are so awesome to help out strangers in need.


alcheng 11-18-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2574015)
I told you. Great group of people we have here!

I honestly do not know Heather or the woman who was killed but I really am thankful and happy you guys are so awesome to help out strangers in need.


same here, whatever helps..!! :tiphat:

2xtreme1 11-19-2013 02:29 PM

Donation done.
Really sad story :(
Hope everything goes well for the kids.

heatherZ13 11-19-2013 03:04 PM

Thanks for all your help! We are officially less than $100 away from meeting the goal of $500!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

TreeSemdyZee 11-19-2013 04:53 PM


G37sHKS 11-19-2013 06:07 PM

Even though I don't live in USA, seeing such a story is just painful

Donate completed
Sorry for your loss.

Zbrah 11-19-2013 07:44 PM

Awesome...We almost doubled the goal and still 2 more days to go!

ZeroZeta 11-19-2013 09:15 PM

still going

dtul 11-20-2013 01:33 AM

Wow I feel like all the forum posts I have looked at tonight have been on the depressing side. Every little bit can help, so I'll be sure to donate something. My heart goes out to the kids. I hope they have a loving extended family to see them through this.

TreeSemdyZee 11-20-2013 09:37 PM

Gotta bump this one up.

DEpointfive0 11-20-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee (Post 2576425)
Gotta bump this one up.

Did you get my PM?

heatherZ13 11-21-2013 09:23 AM

I know it is still early, but I wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU to absolutely everyone that has helped out and shared the story. As of this morning, my goal of $500 has been almost doubled to $955! I'll make it an even $1,000 and will take it to the Olive Garden where she worked. I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but they will match all the donations meaning we have raised $2,000!!!!!!!!! In the mean time, I'll be working on a card to deliver with the money to make it on behalf of the Houston Z's and Anyone has any suggestions or want to add something, please let me know.

If anything, I hope this story has help raise awareness and make people think twice about a quick street race. Being "faster" is not worth taking a life and taking a mother from her children.

Thanks again everyone!!!!!!!

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