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dudesky 04-21-2011 12:04 AM

dent on the door
Hello guys..I just realized that there is a small dent on my door...

I wish I can find the f***er who did it and beat the s*** outta him/her but

sigh............:mad: I always park SOOOO far away and still got a dent

from some f***er...

anyway, I live in NJ, Bergen County and curious if there is a good shop

near that does a good job for cheap price. I heard Dent Wizard is good but

I think the price is a bit high...

I'm so bugging out and can't even

ZForce 04-21-2011 01:43 AM

Check with your local dealer, most have a contract mobile guy that will come out and massage the dent with a special tool. He will have to drill a hole on the inside of your door jam to get his special tool in there and then work his magic. My 350Z door when opening it got a blast of the 35 mph winds and smacked my door into my bros 350Z and put a good size dent in the door. The dent guy came and drilled and then placed a rubber plug in the door jam where he drilled and it looks like one of the mfg plugs you see around the car, no one ever knew and the cost was amazing only $50 and he did not have to paint the door.

Joka4411 04-21-2011 11:44 AM

I contacted my dealer and they gave me the number to the mobil guy that they use. I called him and he came to my house and got the dent out of my door is less then 30 min. Cost me 100.00 dollars. Local shop wanted to charge me 800.00 dollars.

kenchan 04-21-2011 11:48 AM

depending on where the dent is no drilling required for PDR. :)

dudesky 04-21-2011 06:16 PM

wooow $100 is kinda damn too much for a small ding...

I was expecting like $50... :(

kenchan 04-21-2011 06:35 PM

Check with your local car guys. They may know someone that can fix it for cheap. Typically 35-40 for wholesale price. :)

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