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weebs25 05-24-2022 11:49 AM

ALL blinkers hyperblink?
Hey everyone..I bought the car a long time ago and just let it do this…now it’s time to fix it. The guy before me - added leds to the headlights to a switch..I have removed all of it. None of the wiring looks hacked or messed with anywhere. It was all pretty separate. It has LED bulbs up front for blinkers. I tossed in the resistors - nothing changed. Hazards work like normal - blinking -
They all blink fast. No bulb out. Any idea? It looks like the bulbs are the switchback bulbs but that shouldn’t make a difference …with resistors in? Pretty baffled. Any help would be appreciated.

OptionZero 05-25-2022 01:38 PM

seems like your choices are pretty clear

install regular bulbs
live with the hyperblink

SG4247 05-25-2022 05:50 PM

Any LEDs anywhere on your car (except maybe the interior) will cause hyperflash.

I got sick of it, pulled all the LEDs out and it flashes normal now.

k67p67 05-25-2022 07:09 PM

Check both your front and rear turn signal bulbs. If they are LED bulbs, insert the appropriate value resistors and problem solved.

weebs25 05-26-2022 07:05 AM

This is my concern - i am pulling the front resistors that did nothing for me out- pulling the leds out- but the backs are not an led bulb. Being that I didn’t do the actual work I don’t know what really was done and what’s stock. I’m hoping I don’t have to split the head lights and mess with ****. He did all this back in 09 I’ve had the car for almost 10 years. Just trying to cover all my bases before I dig in deeper. Thanks for the responses I was just making sure I’m not overlooking something stupid.

k67p67 05-26-2022 02:50 PM

What are the specs on the resistors that your removed from the front turn signal wiring? How did you wire them? They need to be configured as a load across the positive and ground wires.

cv129 05-26-2022 05:04 PM

The LED obviously work as they light up. Only explanation of hyper blink is resistor isn’t wired properly, not of proper value (doubtful in this case, as you are only dealing with front only), or your resistor is not working (it should warm up noticeably when your turn signal is on).

I’ve put aftermarket LED’s on all 3 of my cars, I have no issues.

SG4247 05-27-2022 08:38 AM

So if the BCM sees voltage or load that is out of spec for external lighting circuits, it will set the hyperflash condition. This is supposed to indicate to the driver that there is a problem in the circuit and so you will hopefully fix it. I think that one of the resistors had actually gone bad on mine causing the issue.

geeteezee 05-27-2022 08:46 AM

50W 6 Ohm resistors are what I bought a couple years ago. One of the first mods to the car and no issues since.

weebs25 05-28-2022 12:28 PM

I tossed in a sylvania load resistor - figured I’d try it out wired into the green/black wire and common like it stated in the directions. I’m in the middle of so much other stuff with the car I just tried to tackle this at the same time. I’ll toss in regular bulbs to see what happens. He had some stupid a$$ leds wired up through the inner of the headlights and I was just hoping I didn’t have to split the light to deal with this if I didn’t have to. I’ll see if normal bulbs do the trick - back has normal bulbs so it’s just front blinkers.

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