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Gauge 08-29-2012 08:41 AM

Terrorists, I'm willing to negotiate...
The suicide bombers that attack my car every day drive me mad. There has to be a product that will loosen these guys up so they can come off easier.

I spend a vast majority of my time on the front bumper cleaning my car.

Also Nissan's paint sucks hard.

speedfreek 08-29-2012 08:48 AM

I keep a coat of quick detailer on the car. Then if a big nasty explodes on the front I spray some detailer and let it soak depending on how fresh the kill is. Then use a micro fiber to carefully remove the remains. This has been sufficient for me. I doubt you leave them to bake in the sun for a day or more so doubt you will need something more abrasive such as Bug & Tar remover. Also those waterless wash solutions such as Adams Waterless Car Wash work as well.

Adam's Waterless Car Wash Collection

joshs09slvrZ 08-29-2012 08:49 AM

What are you using to wax your car with? Are you waxing regularly? I keep a fresh coat of wax on my car about every 5-6 weeks. Before you put on another coat...just make sure you've stripped off the old coat so that the new wax has a fresh surface to bond to.

GaleForce 08-29-2012 08:49 AM

I use Auto Finesse Citrus. I spray it on, then fill up my wash buckets. By the time my buckets are full I can wash 95% of the bugs off just using the water and hose. I highly recommend the stuff!

I also find Nissan paint to be on the soft side. If you want hard paint, look at GM vehicles! Wow that stuff is hard!

speedfreek 08-29-2012 09:00 AM

Maybe I am more anal than most. I wipe the front end down daily as the acid from the bug guts will etch the clear coat the same as bird doo doo if it gets to sit on the surface long enough. Of course not all bugs are created equal as some will do damage as soon as they hit. But I would hate to wash the front end daily although this is the best method obviously to not possibly scratch the paint. However I always seem to get water overspray past the front bumper and you dont want to dry the remaining parts of the dirty/dusty car off as it would definately accumalte more and more scratches over time.

cheshirecat 08-29-2012 10:23 AM

Wet dryer sheets. Understand that this, as well as any other "bug cleaner" will usually strip whatever wax, polish, or sealant that you have applied to your paint.

Speedfreek, you shouldn't have to wash your front end daily as long as you have a decent coast of wax on the front of the car- it's there to protect the clear coat from that exact kind of damage. Of course, how much damage you may/may not accrue depends on the product(s) and application.

speedfreek 08-29-2012 10:39 AM

Yea I dont wash the front end daily that was in response to Galeforce's solution. But I do wipe the bugs off the front daily. If you get them fresh enough they come off with no problems. Quick Detailer and Waterless wash FTW!!!

Telephone 08-29-2012 08:40 PM


Did you or did you not get a clear bra?

harman.khinda 09-01-2012 01:11 PM

Soak it with Megauirs QD, put a hot wet plush towel on top let the heat break it up, wipe and apply Megauirs UQW spray as protection.

If on the road just soak with UQW, wipe with a wet towel and apply more UQW as protection with a dry towel.

Ubetit 09-01-2012 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gauge (Post 1891897)

Also Nissan's paint sucks hard.

Everyone's paint sucks anymore. You can thank California and the EPA

asdfsammich 09-01-2012 05:20 PM

Well, that makes a lot of sense, lols.

California and the EPA's influence is globally epic.

That's why good quality paint jobs don't exist anymore, anywhere!

Like the fabled extinct unicorn blood spray!

Tapatalk & such etc

asdfsammich 09-01-2012 05:31 PM

OT, but since we're on paint quality.

I wonder how much a spray of magma red, but with a hard thick clear would cost. Tons i'm sure.

The magma color reminds me of 350 colors.

Like they took le mans sunset, red and solar orange and mixed it all up.

Tapatalk & such etc

cheshirecat 09-02-2012 08:45 AM

Close to 10k, imo.

Gauge 09-02-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Telephone (Post 1893090)

Did you or did you not get a clear bra?

I did not. But I also feel I shouldn't have to.

To everyone else, thanks for all the tips. I'll definitely take these and try them. In reality I wish there just wasn't so many bugs in WI.

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